Healthcare: How to protect your sensitive data and why

With new technologies and data processes, data can leak without being noticed, and the consequences can be severe. Healthcare organizations must protect their patient's data as rigorously as they protect their patients.

Download our whitepaper about data security in the healthcare sector.

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Healthcare: How to protect your sensitive data and why

With new technologies and data processes, data can leak without being noticed, and the consequences can be severe. Healthcare organizations must protect their patient's data as rigorously as they protect their patients.

Download our whitepaper about data security in the healthcare sector.

Book a demo  Download the whitepaper

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Data Breaches in the Healthcare


is the number of medical records that were lost, stolen or exposed in the last decade.

$10.10 million

is the average cost of a data breach in the healthcare industry. Compared to 2021, it is a 9.4% increase.


of healthcare data breaches come from the inside (employees, contractors, etc.).

What are the most important types of data that healthcare organizations must protect?

  • Email addresses
  • Medical record numbers
  • Account numbers
  • Fingerprints, retinal and voice prints
  • Social security numbers
  • Health insurance beneficiary numbers
  • and more

The most important regulations that Healthcare  institutions must comply with

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a European Union personal data protection regulation. It is the strictest and most complex in the world. But we are here to help you!

With Safetica, it is easy to comply with strict GDPR requirements. You‘ll have a better overview of what‘s going on in your company, see how employees treat sensitive data, minimize the risk of personal data being misused, and when there‘s a security threat, you‘ll be notified in real time.

Are you in compliance with GDPR 
How Safetica helps you to comply with GDPR
How to use Safetica to comply with GDPR

What is GDPR? The scope, purpose, fines and how to comply
GDPR vs CCPA: Key Benefits and Differences

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act deals with the protection of health-related personal data and governs the ways it can be processed. Any system processing health information has to provide protection against threats, hazards to security or integrity, unauthorized use, or disclosure of the information.

Safetica can help you analyse threats and respond to them, restrict access to protected data, receive real-time alerts and summary reports, or facilitate encryption management.

How Safetica helps to comply with HIPAA 
What is HIPAA? The Scope, Purpose and How to Comply

HITRUST is a pivotal framework, harmonizing the myriad of existing, globally recognized standards and regulations into one place. Born from the need to ensure a comprehensive approach to data protection, HITRUST CSF (Common Security Framework) was developed to help organizations navigate the complex milieu of security, privacy, and compliance challenges.

HITRUST framework: The Scope, Purpose, and How to Comply

Find out more about regulatory compliance

Download the guide and learn how to keep your business data secure.


Discover how the Healthcare industry is able to protect their data with Safetica


RCKiK Case Study

Regional Center for Blood Donation and Hemotherapy in Warsaw uses Safetica to protect their medical data.

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protects data and remotely manages Bitlocker

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What is HIPAA?

the scope, purpose and how to comply

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