E-book: 10 MUSTS for every IT Manager in the remote work era
Companies close their offices on a large scale and introduce home office for all their employees. Currently, the vast majority of all companies have introduced working from home for up to several weeks. However in our experience, most companies are not sufficiently prepared for these steps.
See what's inside
- How to interconnect your company workstations
- Why to use VPN when connecting
- How to actively protect data
How to work in a secure way with a device used by the whole famil

How Satica can help you?
Safetica keeps your data protected across multiple channels and platforms, and ensures that your data is protected wherever it is located.
- Data protection – protect your crucial company data and gain control over who accesses it
- Analysing users’ behaviour – discover how working time, printing or expensive software is used
- Controlling connected devices – determine which portable devices may be used and prevent unauthorized media from connecting.
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